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Thursday, March 31, 2016

Diabetes MYTH #7 to Demystify on Insulin Shots To Help Save Your Life

Myth #7- I Don’t Like Insulin Shots Because They Are Painful


That’s not true at all – that insulin shots are painful. Have you seen the new syringe needles lately? They are short just 5/16 inch and very thin (gauge 31). They are so thin you can hardly see or feel it. What a far-cry from the steel needle so thick which we used and also had to boil so many moons ago. Nowadays most people say that insulin shots is a walk in the park, so painless that is. .

Don’t compare the syringe needle to the ones used when you get flu shot and all the rest. Why? Because those needles are thicker and bigger. They are injected into the muscle or vein where sometimes you feel some pain. The difference is that syringe needles go into the fatty tissue which is underneath the skin where you won’t feel any pain unless you make the mistake of injecting it into a muscle by accident.

Yes, for I will not lie to you. You might feel a sting when you hit a muscle or a built-up scar from all the shots in the past. You will also feel some pain if you hit a nerve or if you are using the same needle again and again because needles do get dull with each reuse. The same thing can happen if you tense up like I do or if you’re injecting cold insulin. But don’t worry for in the next section, I will show you how to lessen the pain. .

How To Lessen The Pain of Injections.


Here are some ways to lessen the pain of injection:

Change the site of the injection. Less scar will develop if you do not inject in the same site two times in a row. .

Wait till your insulin is at room temperature before you start injecting. .

Use a new syringe each time not only to lessen the pain but also to avoid developing an infection. .

Here’s a video on Administering a Nearly Painless Insulin Injection

Options To Use Instead of Syringes.


If you are scared to use the syringes because you associate it to pain, I hear you. You know what people use instead of the needle? They opt to use a pen. I see you’re surprised. No, it is not the kind of pen you are thinking of, you silly. My fault, I should have used the words, insulin pen because that is what it is used for. The insulin pen has an insulin cartridge and a needle which is just the same size as today’s needle: super thin and short. .

The insulin pen looks like an ordinary pen except it is a little larger and thicker. Because it does not resemble the syringe of old, you will not be psychologically fearful of it. And it is so easy to use you can shoot up anywhere even at the table when dining. The best thing about it? You will hear a click signaling that you have just received the exact dose you need. Cool, huh? .

Insulin Pens come in two forms: reusable or disposable pens. The reusable comes with a cartridge packed with insulin while the disposable form is pre-filled with insulin. It is easy to use by simply dialing up the dose on the pen and pressing a plunger from one end to inject the insulin via a needle at the other end. .

Insulin pump is another way of insulin delivery. Some say it is an easier way to achieve blood glucose control and avoid complications. When on the pump, the patient can receive uninterrupted insulin infusion. They can also eat when they want and go anywhere without worrying about injections. Studies have shown that people on insulin pump have reduced their A1C level. .

The insulin pump is just as small as a pager that you can put in your pocket. It releases insulin 24 hours a day to the body via a needle attached to a plastic tube. Then if you need an additional boost when you have to eat, you just press a pump button to get it which is called a bolus. It is just like the way nature intended it. You get small amount continuously and a boost when you eat. So it is really that easy to use. .

Jet injectors do not have needles but instead have extra pressure to spray insulin through the skin pores. Now this should be something to consider of you are scared of needles. But you know what? I heard they may cause more pain than the needle because of the concentrated nerves on your skin surface. Pushing the insulin spray through the pores may cause this pain .

Besides, the dosage for the jet injectors way of insulin delivery may not be accurate. How can it not be? It really sounds like it is a hit-and-miss affair. You may be better off with an insulin patch. Work with your doctor to choose the best way for you which is also within your budget. This way, you will be more inclined to follow through with your regimen. .

There is a new insulin delivery system in the block and it is inhaled insulin. This is used before meals and is approved by the FDA. As for the timing, the rapid-acting inhaled insulin attains its peak in the blood in about 20 minutes and to pass through the body in two to three hours. How is it used? .

Whoever is using it places an insulin dose into a small inhaler. Doses come in powder form in a cartridge with each cartridge containing a single dose. Above all, there is no needle to contend with. But type 1 diabetics should use this in combination with a long-acting insulin. And don’t use inhaled insulin if you have disease of the lung or if you smoke. And please consult with your doctor before making any change.


Now I hope that you have changed your mind about insulin shots being painful. I have given you the reasons why. Besides, suggestions to lessen the pain when a mistake is made are given above, but if you have developed that psychological fear of the needle then there are insulin delivery options mentioned in this article. So there is no reason why you can’t have insulin if you need to have it. But how about you? What are your experiences regarding this issue? Write to me in the comments below so I will be encouraged to send you more information.

By Roger Guzman, M.D. and Evelyn Guzman

Reverse Diabetes Today Unconditionally Guaranteed to Normalize Your Blood Sugar Levels and Reverse The Root Cause of Diabetes!

Debunk Diabetes Myth# 6 on Exercise so it won’t ruin your life!

Debunk Diabetes Myth# 5 on Eating Sweets so it won’t ruin your life!

Debunk Diabetes Myth# 4 on Complications so it won’t ruin your life!

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Diabetes MYTH #6 to Demystify To Help Save Your Life

Myth #6 I Am Taking Medicine so Exercise Is Not Important In The Management of My Diabetes


This is not true at all for even though you are taking medication, exercise helps in controlling the blood sugar better. Not only that. Physical activity also helps one to lose unwanted weight and makes the insulin work more effectively. Exercise is especially important for people with diabetes.

Why Is Exercise Important for People With Diabetes .

Healthy eating, moving more and taking medications create the foundation for managing diabetes. Quite a few studies have found out that those who exercise do better at keeping their sugar levels within target range and and lose weight more easily too. And these two things, losing weight and keeping the blood sugar under control are what help delay and prevent complications. Those with pre-diabetes get the same benefits too.

Diabetes experts say that studies after studies have shown that those who monitor their blood sugar diligently, eat healthy and take their medication do not do well when they leave out physical activity in their regimen. They don’t get the same benefits from their treatment plan when they do not exercise.

Benefits of Regular Physical Activity

1. Lowers the high blood pressure which almost half of people with diabetes suffer from.

2. Increases the HDL which is the good cholesterol and lowers the LDL which are the bad ones. Thus the risk to develop heart disease is lower which is good news since two of every three diabetics die from stroke or heart disease.

3. Makes the quality of sleep better thus helps with stress management.

4. Makes one more energetic during the day.

5. Boosts one’s circulation especially in the feet and so contributes to tissue and bone health.

6. Builds up muscle and while it does, it burns more calories.

Here's a video on the Best total body exercise for type 2 diabetes - Level 1 Before you do this set of exercises, heed the warning at the start of the video. Consult with your doctor first.

Exercise Prescription

How much exercise to do is the first part of an exercise prescription. Here’s what the doctor ordered. Exercise at least 30 minutes a day, five days a week. The sugar is drawn out from the blood stream when the muscle is exercised. This can continue on for up to twelve to seventy two hours after exercise. Exercise done every day or even every other day will help regulate the glucose level continuously.

The second part of the exercise prescription is the length of the physical activity. When just starting to exercise, just start slow as doing too much too soon could end up with injury. If your doctor has given you a clearance, then you can walk five or ten minutes at a time , three times a day. After two or more weeks you can graduate to walking twenty to thirty minutes a day.

Now let’s deal with the third part of the exercise prescription. What kinds of exercise can one do? Experts say that any form that raises the heart rate, employs the large muscles, and increases the breathing is good. So these include weight training, aerobic exercise and such household chores like vacuuming.

Here are some recommended physical activities:




Taking an exercise class



Cleaning the house

Line dancing or ballroom dancing

Downhill or cross country skiing

Ice Skating

Mowing the lawn

Pushing a stroller

Golf on the nine holes

Jumping Rope


Climbing the stairs or a hill

Test your blood sugars often. In fact test it before and after a physical activity. Stagger the testing so the experts say. For example if you walk thirty minutes a day, test the blood sugar at the end of the walk. On the second day, test the blood sugar half an hour after the walk and on the third day, test the blood sugar one hour after the walk. You may have to make adjustments as sometimes you may see your blood sugar drop by forty points.

If you have a physical limitation, ask your doctor for what exercise you can do. Even if you have complications, you can still exercise but of course you have to make some modifications to your exercise. If you hate exercising, pick one activity that you enjoy. Perhaps you can mix it up. Walk two days and bike around the third day or go swimming the next day.


So there you have debunked Myth #6. You now know exercise is important for managing your diabetes. Just because you’re taking medicine you think that will do it. No, for exercise is part and parcel of the whole treatment plan for you could be eating healthy, taking medication but without the exercise, the odds are you may not succeed. So get going and move!

By Roger Guzman, M.D. and Evelyn Guzman

Reverse Diabetes Today Unconditionally Guaranteed to Normalize Your Blood Sugar Levels and Reverse The Root Cause of Diabetes!

Debunk Diabetes Myth# 5 so it won’t ruin your life!

Debunk Diabetes Myth# 4 so it won’t ruin your life!

Debunk Diabetes Myth# 3

Debunk Diabetes Myth# 2

Debunk Diabetes Myth# 1 and learn the truth!

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Diabetes MYTH #5 to Demystify To Help Save Your Life

Diabetes Myth #5 We Get Diabetes From Eating Sweets


We don’t get diabetes from eating sweets. Why? Well, people get diabetes because they carry the genes that predispose them to it. Of course, it is also caused by lifestyle factors. It is also an autoimmune reaction. Mind you eating too much sugar may activate these genes and the autoimmune reaction. So let us stop thinking that eating sweets will do it or it may jeopardize what we want to do to stop diabetes on its tracks.

The Real Cause of Diabetes

Eating too much sugar is not the cause but rather it is when there is not enough insulin that works on regulating and maintaining the normal level of the blood glucose. It is a metabolic disorder that leads to blood sugar that is abnormally high. In type 2 diabetes, the secretion of insulin is defective making the body resistant to insulin. Because the body is not able to use insulin properly, diabetes comes as an unwelcome guest.

The immune system in type 1 diabetes which should be a protection from bacteria and viruses but instead terrorizes and kills the beta cells which are supposed to be producing insulin. For optimal immune system use vitamins and supplements. Without the insulin doing its function of maintaining the blood glucose at normal levels causes the blood sugar to rise. Nobody knows for sure why but scientists think it is genetic and triggered by environmental factors like toxins, stress or virus.

Diabetes also occurs in pregnant women and when it does, it is called gestational diabetes. Again they do not know what causes it although they believe that the hormones in the mother’s placenta have something to do with blocking the insulin from doing its work. This makes the blood sugar to rise.

Tracing the Development of Type 2 Diabetes

The blood sugar level rises each time anyone eats starch or sugar. Normally this is not a problem because the correct amount of insulin to regulate the blood sugar is released by the pancreas. The trouble occurs when the pancreas produces insufficient amount of insulin to help with making the blood sugar return to normal level. That is why experts say that diabetes is not a sugar problem but rather it is insulin inefficiency.

There is a warning here though. Just because eating sweets does not cause diabetes, eating too much is not good for anybody. There is a theory that too much sweets can trigger the genes to wake up and get the diabetes on the go. Besides, as we grow older our organs may not work as well as when we were younger. Just like the other organs the beta cells may not work as efficiently as before and may become overwhelmed by too much sweets and weight.

That is why the following is a good product. Here’s a cookbook that one dietitian says it does the impossible. This is the first Cookbook of its kind where every Recipe is Completely Gluten-Free, Sugar-Free (except fruit), Digestion-Friendly, Allergy-Friendly and Low Glycemic with Meat, Poultry, Fish meals and Tree-Nut-Free, Dairy-Free, Vegan and Vegetarian Options for most recipes. Many guests at The Golden Chalice where the author was the chef didn’t have a clue that these delightful dishes were so healthy! Most recipes astonishingly simple and quick, for almost any special diet that will tickle your tongue with pleasure! HaveFun With Gluten-Free, Low-Glycemic Food Cookbook, Rich delicious food you can eat ! This is an eBook cookbook by Debbie Johnson, former owner and executive chef of The Golden Chalice Restaurant & Gallery, a 100% gluten-free, sugar-free, low-glycemic, organic, allergy-friendly establishment. Try it for 60 days and get your money back! The body becomes resistant to insulin. Early on, the beta cells are still able to produce insulin and so the condition is called pre-diabetes. In time though the beta cells will not be able to meet the demand. If nothing is done to prevent the diabetes from coming by way of lifestyle changes, then the condition will blossom into full blown type 2 diabetes.


Now you know that eating sweets is not the cause of diabetes. If you do not have the genes or the factors that trigger the coming of diabetes, eating sweets will not make you get diabetes. However, eating too much sweets is not good for anybody. Now it is your turn. If you have diabetes, what do you think caused it? Let us know in the comments. below.

By Roger Guzman, M.D. and Evelyn Guzman

Debunk Diabetes Myth# 4 so it won’t ruin your life!

Debunk Diabetes Myth# 1 and learn the truth!

Debunk Diabetes Myth# 2

Reverse Diabetes Today Unconditionally Guaranteed to Normalize Your Blood Sugar Levels and Reverse The Root Cause of Diabetes!